Monday, May 11, 2009

DADDY'S GIRL: Knowing God as Father

(My Mom and Dad)

Is it the second week of May already? Jumping back into the book study - although I fear I probably lost most of you - this chapter focuses on loving and knowing God as Father. The author of the chapter, Mary A. Kassian, draws out all of the similarities between our earthly father and our Heavenly Father. For that reason I enclosed a photo of my dad. For me my father was everything I could have dreamed of in a dad. I had an excellent example of how God my Father loves me, relates with me, cares for me, protects me, and enjoys spending time with me because my dad was (and IS) that way with me. I am blessed to have that as a basis for my understanding of what God wants of his relationship with me, so THANK YOU DAD.

Some women do not have a strong relationship with their father and therefore it can leave them hung up on the idea of God as a Father. The bible points out that our innermost being cries out for a father,

"And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out, 'Abba, Father!'" (Gal. 4:6)

"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again unto fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." (Rom. 8:15-16)

There were a couple of heart wrenching stories that depicted our longing for a father and a loving father's desire to find and hold his child. All the boys sitting on the steps of the court waiting for a dad to forgive them and take them back and the Father who dug through ice with bloodied hands just to hold the body of his son again. There is no denying the deep connection between a father and his child and it was designed that way so that we can better appreciate the relationship God desires to have with each of us.

There were three passages that I felt summed up the chapter very well.

First, "The Father appreciates your obedience. He appreciates your disciplines of prayer and fasting and being in the Word. He appreciates your service. But more than all these things and at the center of the Gospel is this: The Father wants your heart. He does not want rote obedience, conformity, service, sacrifice, and ceaseless ministry from you. If He does not have your heart, these things mean nothing to Him. Living in a love relationship with God is the key to enjoying and delighting in Him and experiencing His delight in you. If you truly understand this and take it to heart, it will revolutionize your life and will allow you to begin to experience the joy and victory that Christ has already won for you." (p.58)

Second, "Do you wonder why you feel no peace in your heart? Do you wonder why you feel restless and unsettled? Do you wonder why you feel frustrated? Perhaps it is because the Holy Spirit in you is crying "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" But you are busy, occupied with other things. Or you are too afraid to look into the Father's eyes and let him love you." (p. 56)

And the final thought: "How well do you know the Father? Are you going ever deeper in your relationship with Him? Are you confidently and joyfully entering into the Father's presence? Do you experience His love for you as His daughter?"

Discussion and Food for Thought

1. What spoke to your heart from this chapter?

2. What comforts do you find in your relationship with God as Father?

3. Does God have your heart?


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