Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Let Love Guide You

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied:" 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:36-40

"The only way we can fulfill the will of God in our lives is to be love-inspired, love-mastered, and love-driven. A person controlled by the Holy Spirit needs no law to cause her to live a righteous life. I imagine we've all been in situations where self-control was difficult to maintain, but we will bear the fruit of God's Spirit if we surrender to him."
-Thelma Wells.

Monday, February 18, 2008

To Grow or Not To Grow

So many times I have looked around at other Christians and wondered, how did they get so wise? How did they grow so fast? Why do I feel like I am so far behind? Maybe God just didn’t make me capable of understanding the biblical truths that they can? There have also been times that I have felt like the Lord was blessing me with understanding, but that my growth was moving at the pace of a turtle. Lately it is has been my hearts burning desire to have wisdom, discernment, and to be well versed in my bible. I am currently reading A Woman After God’s Own Heart, by Elizabeth George, and in it she says something that I found motivating:

“Do you believe you can be this woman [the woman you want to be spiritually]? With God’s grace and His strength you can! That’s his role in your life. But there is also a place for your effort. As Scripture says, ‘[You] keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life’ (Proverbs 4:23, emphasis added). You determine some elements of the heart. You decide what you will or will not do, whether you will or will not grow. You also determine the rate which you will grow — the hit-and-miss rate, the measles rate (a sudden rash here and there), the 5-minute-a-day rate, or the 30-minute-a-day rate. You decide if you want to be a mushroom—which appears for a night and shrivels away at the first hint of wind or heat – or an oak tree, which lasts and lasts, becoming stronger and mightier with each passing year…. ‘God will take you as far as you want to go, as fast as you want to go.’ How far… and how fast… do you want to move toward becoming the woman of your dreams?”

Time to put some more feet to my faith!

Friday, February 15, 2008

The BEST Night of my Life

At MOPs a mom talked about her Valentine's date with her kids. So I tried her idea and it was the best night of my life. In the mail I put an invitation for L and one for J that read, "You are invited to a Valentine's day dinner and dance with Mommy and Daddy. Dress Fancy! We love you!" The kids loved it and they must have used the word fancy one hundred times. So we all dressed up in our fanciest clothes :).

Then I set the fancy table. I put down a red table cloth and glasses and dishes. Our dinner was not fancy, but something the kids would like, hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls (if that's fancy we are definitely trailer park material).
Do you see my fancy paper towel napkins? Ha ha. After dinner we danced. The first dance was to Cinderella by Michael W. Smith. It was so fun! Then we put on some faster music and were being total goofballs. At one point L said, "We are being a dorky family". After our night of dancing we put sleeping bags on the floor for the kids and popped popcorn and watched Monsters Inc.
When it was time for Hubby and I to turn in for the night I must admit that I snuggled up to him and cried. My babies are just growing up too fast and my heart hurts to think about it. We agreed that this would be our Valentine's Day tradition for as long as the kids allow. I can't wait for next year!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Becoming A Woman Of Discretion

“Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish tears it down with her hands.” (Proverbs 14:1)

1. Am I building up my house or tearing it down?

2. Am I investing in my marriage? Am I nurturing the heart of my marriage?

3. Do I frequently express admiration and gratitude to my husband?

4. Am I reserving the best of my physical and emotional energy for my family?

5. Am I creating a climate (through words, actions, and attitudes) that makes my husband want to be at home?

6. Am I content to be “at home”? Am I finding my “fulfillment” through reverencing and serving my husband and family?

7. Do I reserve intimate communication, looks, words, and touch for my husband? Am I giving my emotions, attention or affection to a man other than my husband?

8. Am I meeting my husband’s sexual needs?

9. Am I trustworthy? Is there any behavior or relationship I am involved in that I am keeping from my husband? Have I been totally honest with my husband?

10. Does my husband have the freedom to be totally honest with me?

11. Am I fueling sensual thoughts and desires through books, magazines, TV programs, music, or movies that are not morally pure?

12. Have I become a “refuge” for a man who may be struggling in his marriage?

13. Am I looking to a man other than my husband (pastor, counselor, colleague) to be a primary source of counsel or to fill an emotional vacuum in my life?

14. Do I have a more intimate relationship—physically, emotionally, or spiritually—with any man than I do with my husband?

15. Does my demeanor tend to be “loud and defiant,” or do I communicate a meek, quiet, and submissive spirit?

16. Am I a “wall” or a “door” (Songs of Songs 8:9)? Am I a “loose” woman? Do I communicate to the men around me that I am “available”? Does my demeanor invite them to “partake” of intimate parts of my body, soul, or spirit? Do I engage in flirtatious speech, looks, or behavior?

17. Is there anything about my speech, actions, dress, or attitudes that could defraud the men around me?

18. Am I discreet and restrained in the way I talk with men at work? Is my conversation ever loose, crude, or unbecoming for a woman of God? Am I expressing admiration for a man that should more appropriately come from his wife?

19. Does my dress help men keep their thoughts pure and Christ-centered? Is my dress feminine and modest?

20. Have I erected (and am I maintaining) adequate “hedges” in my relationships with men?

21. Am I currently in a situation that is (or could become) compromising? Am I in a situation that could appear to others to be compromising?

22. Would my husband, as well as other men and women who know me, say that I am a woman of moral virtue and purity?

23. Have I purposed in my heart to be morally pure? Am I making myself accountable to my husband and to other godly women for my walk with God and others?

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)

© Revive Our Hearts. Used with permission.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Respecting Your Husband

I came across this article and thought that every married woman could use a reminder. Our job is to love and encourage our husbands. Sometimes it is easy to let ourselves get in the way. Numbers 2 and 3 have really made a difference in my attitude, and I'm working on number 5 (o:. Here is a portion of the article from Christian Women Today. -
Something in a man needs the respect of his wife. He thrives and grows toward godliness when his need is fulfilled. This explains why God emphatically says, "The wife must see to it that she respects her husband" (Ephesians 5:33 NASB).10 Steps Towards Respecting Your Husband
1. Pray for him daily and trust God to answer your requests.
.. Pray for his well-being, wisdom, protection, blessings, guidance, knowledge, spiritual maturity, success, purity, strength in temptation, etc.
.. Look for God's answers to your prayers.
.. Thank God for working in your family.
.. Thank God for your husband.
.. Pray for your attitude.
2. Remember that God has put your husband in a position of leadership, and He will lead you through your husband.
3. Make a list of your husband's qualities that you appreciate. Review and add to your list regularly.
4. Tell your husband what you appreciate about him. Tell others what you appreciate about him.
5. Don't criticize your husband to others – especially your children.
6. Look for the positive side of things that you may find irritating. If you find it boring when he spends time telling you about his bad day, remember that at least he is talking to you, spending time with you, sharing his concerns with you, bringing you into his confidence, and giving you the chance to be an encourager and helper.
7. Respond to his loving advances with enthusiasm.
8. If you are concerned about a decision your husband has made, ask him the following:
.. "I'm confused about _________. Can you explain it to me?"
.. "Can we talk about _____? I feel uncomfortable about ______."
Don't ask: "WHY in the world would you do it that way?" or ask "Why?" in any way that implies you think he is foolish.
9. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about your husband, stop and choose to think of something else – especially things from your positive quality list.
10. Respect his likes and dislikes. If he likes a particular food, make a point of serving that regularly. If he hates the color purple, don't wear purple in his presence. If he likes you to wear perfume, do it.
Remember, God is working on you and your husband. You can both learn from your failures as well as your successes. Give God the freedom to teach your husband through failure. In the same way, give God the freedom to teach you to trust Him through your husband's failure.
-Hope someone found it as much of an encouraging reminder as I did.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cleaning without Chemicals

So, in my quest to become a better and more joyful homemaker I have been looking up ways to create a clean and organized home that is a safe and fun place for my family. One thing that I have repeatedly come across is homemade cleaning solutions. I am not about being ‘green’. Actually tree hugging is one of my biggest pet peeves. While I agree we should all do our part to take care of the environment it is ridiculous how it is being shoved down our throats (okay I digress). The main selling points for me on trying to make my own cleaning solutions were no chemicals in my home, they are incredibly inexpensive, and so easy to make. So here is what I have found. While I have not tried all of them yet, I plan to. One of the coolest things I learned is that vinegar is a disinfectant, did you know that? I did not.
All Purpose Cleaner: You'll need a large spray bottle, a half cup of baking soda, and enough water to dissolve. To this, slowly add a cup of vinegar (it will fizz like mad for a bit), then top off with more water. Let this mixture sit overnight, and then flip end over end to mix. Be prepared for more fizzing. When fizzing ends, it's ready to use.
All Purpose Cleaner that Cuts Grease: Use the same recipe as above, but add a teaspoon of dish detergent. Organic detergent was my one splurge. After all, you are spraying this into the air.
Window Cleaner: Mix warm water, one cup of vinegar, and two capfuls of ammonia. Be careful and try not to inhale too much. This mixture should be kept away from children.
Toilet Cleaner: Pour two cups of baking soda into toilet bowl, scrub the inside, and flush. Now, pour two cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl, swish around the inside, and flush. Do not do this if you have a clog, as you will quickly have a reenactment of Old Faithful in the toilet. However, regular application will keep your drains sparklingly clean.
Carpet Cleaner and Deodorizer: Sprinkle baking soda over carpet and let it sit. You'll get better results if you let it sit for an extended period of time. It's okay to walk on it and grind it into the carpet. Then vacuum thoroughly.
Stainless Steel and Fixtures: To clean, use vinegar and cheesecloth.
Furniture Polish: In a small bottle, preferably foaming variety, add two parts lemon juice to one part olive oil (plain). To scent your furniture, add some essential oils to this. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and discard in under a month. This does not last long.
Tile Cleaner: Mix equal parts baking soda and warm water, scrub into tiles, and then clean with all purpose solution.

Uses: Vinegar naturally cleans like an all-purpose cleaner. Mix a solution of 1 part water to 1 part vinegar in a new store bought spray bottle and you have a solution that will clean most areas of your home. Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as well as a disinfectant and deodorizer. Always test on an inconspicuous area.
It is safe to use on most surfaces and has the added bonus of being incredibly cheap. Improperly diluted vinegar is acidic and can eat away at tile grout. Never use vinegar on marble surfaces. Don't worry about your home smelling like vinegar. The smell disappears when it dries. Here are some uses for vinegar in the rooms of your house. Use it in the…
1. Bathroom - Clean the bathtub, toilet, sink, and countertops. Use pure vinegar in the toilet bowl to get rid of rings. Flush the toilet to allow the water level to go down. Pour the undiluted vinegar around the inside of the rim. Scrub down the bowl. Mop the flour in the bathroom with a vinegar/water solution. The substance will also eat away the soap scum and hard water stains on your fixtures and tile. Make sure it is safe to use with your tile.
2. Kitchen- Clean the stovetop, appliances, countertops, and floor.
3. Laundry Room- Use vinegar as a natural fabric softener. This can be especially helpful for families who have sensitive skin. Add ½ cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle in place of store bought fabric softener. Vinegar has the added benefit of breaking down laundry detergent more effectively. (A plus when you have a family member whose skin detects every trace of detergent.)
Lemon Juice
Uses: Lemon juice is another natural substance that can be used to clean your home. Lemon juice can be used to dissolve soap scum and hard water deposits. Lemon is a great substance to clean and shine brass and copper. Lemon juice can be mixed with vinegar and or baking soda to make cleaning pastes. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes, surfaces, and stains. Mix 1 cup olive oil with ½ cup lemon juice and you have a furniture polish for your hardwood furniture.
My favorite use for the fruit is to put a whole lemon peel through the garbage disposal. It freshens the drain and the kitchen. Orange peels can be used with the same results.
Baking Soda
Uses: Baking soda can be used to scrub surfaces in much the same way as commercial abrasive cleansers. Baking soda is great as a deodorizer. Place a box in the refrigerator and freezer to absorb odors. Put it anywhere you need deodorizing action. Try these three kitchen ingredients as natural cleaning products in your home.

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Time For Change

With the New Year in full swing I have decided that it is time to reprioritize my life. Over the last year I have found that I have let my walk with the Lord slip, and it is time to step it up. I have really been thinking about my family and the legacy that I want to leave. I want to make a difference for Christ in this world and the first place to start is with my children and my home.

My PPD was pretty serious, but I am feeling better now. Back to my normal self (still taking medication for about a month before I go to the doctor to reevaluate things). I came across a verse the other day during my devotion that summed up my depression perfectly.

“Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck.
Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can’t find a foothold to stand on.
I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me.
I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched and dry.
My eyes are swollen with weeping, waiting for my God to help me.
But I keep right on praying to you, Lord, hoping this is the time you will show me favor.”
Psalm 69: 1-3, 13 NLT

So as I mentioned my new focus is a shift in priorities. Recently my priorities gradually shifted to
1. Myself/Hubby
2. My kids
3. My home
4. God.
I also became a very discontent person. I found that I was trying to meet the needs of my husband and children my own way, and taking care of my home grudgingly – angered by the constant work to be accomplished.

Lately I have been trying to focus on scripture and encouragement to help me reprioritize. My new focus is going to be
1. GOD: (above all else) There is no way that I can accomplish anything without setting aside the time to make him FIRST

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust Him and He will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.”
Psalm 37:4-6

So this has become my prayer

Lord, keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through your law. Help me choose the way of truth; and set my heart on your laws. Help me to hold fast to your instructions, O Lord; do not let me be put to shame. I need your help to run in the path of your commands, for only you can set my heart free.
(From Psalm 119:29-32)
2. My Husband
3. My Children
4. My Home
5. My Self
6. My Service

I plan to post more on scriptures regarding my other commitments, but my aim first and foremost has been relocating God to priority numero uno!