Monday, August 29, 2011

Fabric Photo Board

Our walls are naked, especially in the kids' rooms. So I searched the web for projects for the creatively challenged simple projects and found this tutorial. If I can do it .. well.. a blind monkey probably could as well.
This is my first one for J's room. I want to do one for each of the boys as well.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Forgiven Much

This photo was on Ann Voskamp's blog this morning. It resonates with my soul.

"He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit," Titus 3:5

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

"We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things." 1 John 3:19-20
Even when my heart condemns me, I have been forgiven much.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Early Morning Fun

Behind our house kids ride quads, and leave tracks in the mud, and rain fills the tracks.
And life grows.
Since we have moved here it has become an obsession of my sweet boy to watch the tadpoles grow. He will be out there from morning until night. We researched the life cycle of frogs on the internet. He is passionate about it. Everyone who comes to visit he takes back there to show the kingdom of life he studies.
Mema bought him a habitat for tadpoles and frogs. This morning, when we were the only two awake I asked him if he wanted to go catch tadpoles to put in his aquarium. He ran to get ready. We walked out into the quiet morning and I let him do his work.
Of course the littles woke up eventually and had to come and see. It was a fun morning. Hopefully a few of the 4 he caught will live.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Words Don't Do It Justice

My heart hurts. It has been over 3 weeks and it still hurts. Four weeks ago I went for my 13 week checkup and discovered our precious little baby no longer had a heartbeat. I was there alone, my husband at work, and my kids with a friend. Tears streamed silently down my face as the doctor explained my options. The timing was awful; we were closing on our new house in 3 days and starting the moving process. I couldn’t be out of commission and leave my husband to do all the work. I told the doctor I would discuss it with my husband and get back to her, but that I would like to have a D&C, just not until after our move. So we planned to do the D&C in 8 days. The doctor felt that since the baby had passed away a week and a half prior, my body wouldn’t do anything before then.

We closed on our house, and the day was bitter sweet. The next morning we went over to the new house to put in fans and build a trampoline for the kids. I bent down to help hold a piece of trampoline in place and a gush of water came out. Weird, I thought, not understanding what was happening. I bent down again – just a few seconds later and a bigger gush. “I just peed” I told my husband and ran to the bathroom. There was another gush of water and then…. it laid there. A tiny, lifeless body. I held it and started screaming. I didn’t know what to do. It was a scream that came from the depths of my soul.

A little one laid on the palm of my hand. Head to toe he (I’m pretty sure) fit perfectly in my palm. He had eyes, a nose, a mouth. All 10 fingers and toes. He was perfect..

I bled.. a lot. I thought it was normal. Turns out when I went to the hospital it wasn’t normal. I was hemorrhaging and I didn’t know it. Nurses went in and out of the room. The doctor did her work. I felt like I was going to die… my arms went numb my legs went numb. I started to lose consciousness. Jeff held my hand and I was afraid. Nurses cried. I cried.

Jeff had handed over the baby when we got there. I should have held it more. Talked to him. Prayed over him. But I was in shock. My mom had come down to watch the kids and my friend Anastasia had sat with me and cried and encouraged me before I had left for the hospital. My mom prayed over him, I had just cried.

My husband has been amazing. He holds me when I cry and loves me in between. Some days are harder than others, but I’m still not healed. It still hurts.. like my heart my actually break inside my chest. My children know, and understand as much as you can when you are 7,5 and 4. They bring me joy and pray for me when I am sad. A few nights ago J wiped my tears and sat with me on my bed.

I want to have more energy and more joy, but I don’t right now. I am severely anemic from the birth and have to go and have iron administered through an IV this week. I trust God – FULLY AND COMPLETELY.. but it still aches. I don’t question why it happened, it isn’t my place to. I just trust. But it is an interesting mix of emotions, trust and agonizing pain. They don’t seem like they could co-exist but they do. I know God is good.