Saturday, September 26, 2009

California Living

We have been in California for a month now. Jeff has been gone for nearly 2 weeks. The kids and I miss him terribly but are trying to stay busy and beat the heat. To pass our time we are homeschooling in the mornings and then either swimming in the pool or going to the park in the afternoons. We've done some church shopping, and signed L up for AWANAS to help him meet some kids and make some friends.

Although we are at my parents house - I am lonely. Both of my parents work so the kids and I are on our own most of the time which is nice for everyone I think. It lets us keep a somewhat normal routine. One thing that has come of the temporary separation and the demands of single-parenting - I realized how totally dependant on the Lord I am.

I don't do well with change and in the last month we have had a lot of that! God has revealed himself to me so much in my quiet times and my prayer time. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He does not change and that is a huge comfort.

Here are some pictures from last week when we started kindergarten. L's first day of school.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

So as I mentioned last week Jeff and I went to Vegas for our FIRST VACATION since our honeymoon. It was a blast. We stop on the way there at Bob's Big Boy for lunch. I hadn't seen one of those places since I was a kid.

On top of the Stratosphere. I nearly died on the elevator ride, my thrill-seeking husband did the ride that swings you over the edge and spins you around.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

That's right. We arrived in California on Sunday evening to a welcoming 109 degree weather :). Geez how did I ever grow up in this heat? Our trip was uneventful for the most part. We hit heavy rush hour traffic in Portland and got lost in Woodland, Ca (we needed a gas detour). We waved fairwell to Washington at about noon on Friday and drove for 10 hours, crashed (in hotel beds not in cars ;P) and started again and at 6:30 the next morning. Saturday we drove until 5pm and arrived at our friends house for a -much too short- visit. After spending the night with friends we got on the road at 5:30 Sunday and arrived in Cali at 3pm. That was 3 days, 1300 miles and 30 hours in two seperate cars with 3 kids and 2 dogs - if anyone was interested.

I haven't taken out my camera in at all in the last week. I'm having withdrawals. I have 10 full days left with Jeff until he leaves and only 105 days until he comes back (what? whose counting?).

Today I'm meeting with a friend for lunch and on Monday hubby and I are going to Las Vegas for our 2nd time away in the 10 years we've been together. We went away for our honeymoon and we went away for one night on our 5 year anniversary (but I was 8 1/2 months pregnant so I'm not officially counting that one). This time my parents are watching the kids for 3 whole nights. I'm excited and a totally nervous about being away from them.

They have been crazy and emotional and hyper since we arrived. I am hoping that it will all settle down with time. J is an emotional wreck and L is bouncing off the walls. Praying that once we establish a routine life will become more normal.