Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Duggars

I have been looking forward to seeing them from the minute I heard they were coming to Focus on the Family. I almost didn't make it there twice. First, I didn't know I needed tickets, they were free of charge, but you had to go and pick them up on a first come first serve basis. I had know for a week that they were coming but somehow missed the fact I need tickets.
So I went to the Welcome Center on Tuesday morning and they said they were all out. Totally bummed, they kids more than I, we decided to go and play in their play area. While we were signing in a man came up with a few tickets that he had found - so we were able to get 5!
Then today, heading into town M starting hurling in the back of the car. J started crying because she was going to miss the Duggars. So Daddy graciously (probably relieved.. haha) offered to take M home. Thankfully J, L, and I (as in me) made it just before they started.
*** Forgive my terrible photos.. I am horrible with indoor light and no flash photography ***

And here is why you don't see a picture of me and Michelle... this line went on winding inside the building as well...
The Duggars are such a blessing! I love how they commit something to God and then uphold that commitment. I so often rationalize reasons for going back on things.
What I think I took away from there sharing was a quote Michelle shared that has helped her, "What God has shown you in the light, don't doubt in the dark." I do that all the time. Feel God calling me to something and then when times get tough, or trials come, I started to doubt whether or not God really said that, or if He wants that for me.
Anyway.. I brought M home a picture of the Duggars and told him that their family told me to tell him "Hi" and that Jackson said he missed him and hoped to see him next time. That made M's little heart happy!



We were able to go too- LOVE their family, what an inspiration!!! (I saw you on BBC site and read your blog often) ;-)

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