Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Home Notebook

My notebook is a big help when it comes to running my home. I have been asked by a few people if they could have a look at it to see how I fit so much into my day. So here is a glimpse into my handy little notebook.

I made it pretty - after all I look at it every day. Currently it consists of 7 sections:

1. Calendars & Agendas: This includes my weekly calendar with tasks for each day, a yearly calendar with goals to be accomplished through out the year, and my daily and weekly routines.

2. Devotions and Book Notes: Where I right down passages and quotes that speak to me. I keep a list of people to be praying for here.

3. Menus and Grocery Needs: I keep a seasonal menu to put together my weekly menu. I got this idea from here. There is also a food inventory, I shop my house before I go to the store. When I do need something I jot it down on my grocery list also located in this section.

4. Recipes: I print from the Internet so I have quick access to them.

5. Housework: Tips for ways to keep my home clean found here (also where a lot of my notebook pages came from. The rest came from here).

6. Hospitality: Ideas for things I can to do to bless others. For example sending cards to friends, baking for neighbors, inviting people over for meals. I also keep verses that are encouraging to include in my notes.

7. Homemade and Crafting Projects: This is print outs of projects in progress and a list a to-do list of things I hope to make. Currently for my baby nieces and nephews :)

In regards to my schedule and routine I was asked, "What happens if something comes up?"

To that my response is that the notebook is a tool that helps me make the best use of my time and resources for the glory of the Lord. If something comes up it is okay. I don't want to be a slave to my schedule but a servant of the Lord. The whole purpose is to help me best serve my husband, children, and to be able to use my resources to help others. Hope this answers some questions.



Thank you for sharing! I think I'm going to try this:-)

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