Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Deliberate Moments in Motherhood

Mothers wear more hats than Minnie Pearl. A friend recently called and described the feeling of “wearing 10 hats while riding a unicycle”. Yep, we’re all nodding heads.

Which is why deliberate mothering is so important. Deliberate mothering involves, to me, those seemingly smaller things, that are actually the bigger things, that can get so easily crowded out in a busy day.

Things like lingering eye contact, both during instruction and to express deep fondness. Taking time to cuddle small children–and big ones, read to them or just enjoy child-talk.

Taking walks, talking of God’s greatness, His provision for daily bread, His new morning-mercy, and His deep love for us–small moments of greatness.

Deliberate mothering is remembering to teach eager little hands how to crack an egg, and not get too upset when they drop it on the floor…because that moment holds an even bigger “deliberate opportunity”. (I write it…but I’m still aspiring to live it.)

A word of friendship, a word of inspiration (“I love that part of who you are”), small moments each day that weave together a strong, beautiful tapestry of who our children will become.

I will interject a word of warning here: the opposite it also true. If the bulk of their days is spent receiving insult and injury, either by a parent or by peers who seem to default to “survival of the fittest”, so much is lost and so much of that tapestry is left thread-bare.

Gigantic days are made up of small, deliberate moments. Let’s make them.

By: Kelly at Generation Cedar

You might also want to check out his post on Angel's Blog :)


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