What you need: Pita bread (I highly recommend whole wheat, but my husband won't eat it),Olive Oil, Pepper,Garlic Powder, Salt (Kosher is perfect for this!)
I tear the bread into "chip" pieces and spread it on a baking sheet.
Then drizzle with olive oil (not like this picture, I can not drizzle and photograph at the same time). I just use enough to coat the bread, approx. 1-2 tablespoons. Toss around by hand (very technical huh?)
Once coated with olive oil generously sprinkle on garlic powder, pepper, and salt (I really like salt :S). Toss by hand again.
Then, and here is where my recipe varies from my friend's, Place your soon-to-be-chips under your broiler for 3 minutes. After that take out and flip, then broil for another two - or until golden brown and crunchy.
If you are afraid of your broiler then you can preheat your oven to 400 degrees while prepping your chips and then bake on each side for 5 minutes. I am not that patient.

Anyway, I read blogs all the time with photos of their favorite foods and it really makes me want to try them. Since these chips are so delicious I thought I would try to entice you to try them with some pics.
mmm...haven't tried the garlic...I see some Pepsi and pita chips in my near future. Haven't had them for a few weeks and even had to freeze the bread (gasp) I know.
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