Friday, January 8, 2010

Homeschooling Hiatus

As much as I LOVE homeschooling we enrolled L in kindergarten this week.
Long story short, after much prayer and discussion Jeff and I decided it would benefit L more to be in school at this point than at home. The reason - we live in the middle of nowhere with very few neighbors. It is a 25 minute drive into town and nothing in between. We live on a tiny base that has maybe (MAYBE) 75 occupied homes. With these two factors we didn't see a way for him to be involved in many extra curricular activities in order for him to make friends and have play time. So we went down to the local school and enrolled him. Currently there are only 2 streets that have occupied homes here and it was -18 this morning, which makes things difficult for going out to play and make friends in our neighborhood.
My heart is sad, but happy for him at the same time. He was so thrilled to go to school. He just completed his first week. He is gone all day from 7:15 to 4:30 M-Th and has Fridays off. It is a huge adjustment for all of us, but I know the Lord is good and has a perfect plan. I miss my boy with an aching heart during the day, but it makes my time at home with him that much more treasured.


Wow that IS a tiny base! I pray the little ones will easily adjust to all the changes!

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