- Your 6 year old son offers to wash walls out of the blue to help you feel better faster (not sure how that works - but the boy did a good job :P)
- Nearly every word out of your sweet 4 year old daughters mouth sounds like nails on a chalk board and you wish she had a mute button.
- Your two year morphs into spider man and climbs everything in the house because he doesn't think you can catch him ... he IS wrong!
- The game of the day is doctor.. I'm sorry children there are only so many times a mommy with a raw sore throat can open and close her mouth before she passes out from pain.
- You get chill's in the relaxing hot bath you are taking and then can't get warm again.
- And finally your husband calls and the sound of his breathing on the phone irritates you and hurts your inflamed ears so you are snappy with him - when really you just wish he could come home right now and scoop you up in his arms, carry you to bed, and let you get a full nights sleep while he lays next to you and keeps you safe.
I miss you babe and I'm sorry I was a MEGABEAST today!
Oh friend. I hope you feel better soon. All my love.
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