Recently my children have discovered the art of speaking nasty or harshly with each other. Sometimes it is not even what they say but the tone they use to say it. So I thought I'd share the solution that seems to smooth over all situations.
For every mean word they used against their sibling they must give 3 things they love about them.
Now my children are still relatively small (6,4, and 2), so when the offended child hears 3 kind things about themself, they can't help but melt and turn into a goofy and lovey sibling. They forgive nearly instantly and almost always that child will even go out of their way to do one of the 3 things their brother/sister said they love about them to make them happy.
"Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8
So funny because we actually started doing that too, when they're mean to each other. Except, my boys STILL need a lot of help thinking of three things to say, but the grin they try to stifle is priceless :)
What a great idea! We've been dealing with this a lot, only they don't call names. They just snap at each other and speak in harsh tones. We're going to try this!
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