Morning bible reading–check.
Family worship–check.
Church on Sunday–check.
I think these activities are the under-girding of the Christian life and are needful and good.
But I don’t think they are the essence of teaching our children to walk daily with the Lord, to cultivate a living, breathing relationship with the Creator.
It begins with the simplest of observations:
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
If I could summarize what I believe is the most important thing we do as mothers, it would be “teaching God in the moments”. That is what we are called to. And the lack of this vision is why so many mothers don’t feel the gravity of their job, and either become bored or exhausted with the “mundane”.
I also wonder if it’s why so many children grow up to have “a form of godliness” but deny any power of it.
Are we raising “church-goers” or disciples of Christ?
“Susie, sit at the table and eat with your mouth closed.”
Yes, but why?
Not necessarily because manners are good; why are they good? “Because the Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself, and this is one way we show love.”
“Tommy, don’t yell at your brother for knocking down your lego house.”
Yes, but why?
“Because the Bible says that a man who doesn’t have control over his own spirit is like a city with broken down walls.”
“Mary, please help your sister make up her bed.”
Yes, but why?
“Because the Bible says to serve as Jesus served.”
With God as our strength, let us seek to live it first, then teach “God in the moments” to our children.
By: Kelly at Generation Cedar
This reminds me of the book Wise Words for Moms. Such a neat, simple, little book that can be used daily to reinforce the teachings of God and the bible in all circumstances. Have you heard of it?
Thanks Kelly, I've never heard of it, but am definitely going to look it up! :)
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