Is it wrong to make my adorable daughter who has a TERRIBLE lisp say tongue twisters? Instead of saying her s's she says them as a th sound - very daffy duck like. I have to say it is one of my favorite things in life at this moment. Little things like J's lisp, or the way M says "Eeeew Gossss" or when L says "Redonkulous" (he got it from the movie BOLT). Anyway, those little voices are getting bigger everyday and I am just doing my best to take it all in.
Another cute thing today was when we were at the grocery store the older two were singing Jesus Loves Me and M was trying to sing along. They kept asking if I wanted to hear them sing it again.. of course I did.. even it was for the 50th time. It caught on because a little girl we kept passing in the aisles was singing it a few aisles later. See the love of Jesus is contagious! :)
In a word, yes.
She's so cute and growing so fast!! It's definitely the small things in life that make it so amazing! Hope you're doing well.
So sweet!
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