This little girl loves to do everything her mama does. She gets out her ball popper when I vacuum and says she's "vacing-yoom", when I bake she puts on her apron, when I get ready she wants to put on her "lip's stick'th", she puts her babies in time out, she reads her bible (even if it is small print with no pictures), she doodles a shopping list, cuddles her brothers, and loves to be told she is special. Today she was ecstatic to be my twin (we both wore dresses and had matching barrettes). The simple things in life mean so much to my kids.

The truth is as she watches me, she is shaped. It is not only my job to teach her how to be a little girl, but how to be feminine by biblical standards, to love the Lord, to serve her future husband, to cherish her future children, and to grow her into a woman of God. What a great responsibility that is. It is so important for me to be aware of my speech, attitude, tone, actions and motives. It means that with the little eyes in my home I must be purposeful going about the things of God in all I do.
Angelina, I love you! It is an awesome job we have as mothers. I find it scary but precious. Thank you for the reminder!
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