I am not an angry person by nature, but last night infuriated me. The family and I went to Wal-Mart to get a trash can, simple stuff. We couldn't find the price so we had to look for one of those price checkers. The first one we found happened to be in the beverage aisle. Hubby had the little two in the shopping cart, scanned the can and continued walking. L and I were a few steps behind him.
All the sudden we hear bottles clinking and pause (just L and I) for a second. Within a split second L is pummeled by 5 bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade that had fallen off of the very top shelf. Two six packs had fallen over and off of the shelf. He was hit in the back of the neck and on the shoulders. The bottles breaking on him, bursting off of the floor and making a huge mess. L had an instant bruise and welt on his shoulder and was all red. He said it didn't hurt unless he moved or touched it.
Accidents happen right? The people who worked at Wal-Mart were polite and compassionate to L and us. We filled out an accident report. What makes me so angry is that these bottles were in their six packs on the top shelf, stacked on top of each other two and three cases high, unsecured. What if those bottles had fallen a different way or we had been standing a 1/2 inch to the side? He could have been seriously hurt, possibly killed. I know that sounds dramatic, but I am being practical - it could have been much more serious. Thankfully by the grace of God he is fine.
I called a lawyer this morning - I told him, I don't want money I just want the policy for securing their merchandise changed. No such luck if there is no serious injury, but I was encouraged to write a strongly worded letter to the Manager and the Corporate Office. I will be doing that - however having worked at Wal-Mart for four years as a teenager I know how dismissive they are of customer complaints and concerns.
Lesson: Keep an eye out for falling objects?
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