Two fairly “exciting” things happened between midnight and noon today. Nothing of importance but I wanted to share anyway. Last night I was unable to sleep. I had finished a sewing project and had an adrenaline rush (I know I am a dork). So I grabbed a soda and sat down at the computer, the rest of my little family fast asleep. In the backyard I heard my dog, Molly, yelp, growl and then whimper. I ran to the sliding back door and hit the light. At first I didn’t see her. Then she came limping out of the darkness sniffing around her food dish. I was paying close attention to her limp and was trying to figure out what had happened. I didn’t have to wonder long. Less than 2 feet behind her was a raccoon that was bigger than she was and it was getting ready to attack. I started banging on the door and yelling for Jeff. The raccoon leaned back and curled up its back like a cat. Molly was still oblivious. As I was frantically banging on the door the raccoon started to back up and Molly finally turned around and chased it.
The second thing happened this morning. Landon had been invited to spend the night at a friend’s house last night (it was his first sleep over). I was expecting a call asking me to come and get him around noon. So when the phone rang and it was only 10 I was a little nervous (It was his first night away from home with friends – and I’m overprotective as it is). I peeked around the corner to my caller ID and saw it was his friend’s number. I had, unfortunately just gotten out of the shower and was .. not dressed. The entire back wall of my house is windows, ceiling to floor and my shades were open. Did I mention my yard faces a park with a pond? Of course I needed to get the phone by running directly in front of the window. I saw no one out back, so I took off. When I left the house about 10 minutes later to go get my boy I saw that the park was packed with cars and families. Apparently today is the day of the kid’s fishing derby. So it is entire possible that I have scarred some small children. Oooops.
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