Ok.. don't laugh too hard. I know a laundry tip coming from who? At this moment I have about 8 loads of laundry piled up in my bedroom. No – sadly I am not exaggerating. For some reason I loathe laundry. It disrupts my daily routine, I guess I hate just having to stop to fold it and put it up. So my solution.. don't do it at all. Not a good fix. Ha ha. I am working on it… and sadly my 8 loads is an improvement.
Now to my tip! If you are like me (which hopefully none of you are) and you leave your laundry in the washer for a few hours – or say overnight.. and it is stinky, I can help. Well I can't help with that load, rewash it, but it will probably still smell yucky. But if your machine has that yucky moldy smell then turn it to the largest hottest cycle you have and squirt in a cup of cascade complete dishwasher detergent. That should get rid of the smell. I had tried running just a bleach cycle and that didn't work, but this has! Now – back to evil evil laundry!
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