Many times in the past I would say No to requests to help out. I felt like I was in a hurry or couldn't find anything child friendly for them to do. But a friend reminded me, I'm in no hurry. I am home with these little people all day long, everyday. Why not let them help?
Best advice ever. It is quality bonding time. Not just with me but with each other. Friday night was Pizza night - and we decided to bake cookies. I hung out and supervised, they did the rest! And we ALL had fun!
The Cookies:

The Pizza:
Oh, I love this. Yes, what great advice. For whatever reason, I always feel like I'm in a hurry when working in the kitchen and always wanting to avoid the messes, rather than let them help. I need to work on that..
We've got some banana bread to bake up, so there's my opportunity. :)
PS> Your wee ones are getting so big! Love the pictures. :)
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