So a
friend posted her daily routine and requested others do the same. Us weird stay-at-home mom's get encouraged by how other moms do things. Anyway, I thought I'd contribute - all this is a modified routine because I am still adjusting to Jeff leaving.

My alarm goes off at 6:25 and I get out of bed, make it, and tidy up my room. I brush my teeth and go wake up L for school. We go downstairs together and begin our day. I make a pot of coffee and breakfast for L (usually cereal, although I'd like to start switching it up more). While L eats I make his school lunch and draw a picture on his napkin. I check to make sure all his things are in his backpack and set it on the counter. I turn on the news unload the dishwasher. I almost always try to have the sink empty and counters clean when I go to bed. It puts me in such a better mood in the morning. I also started the washer and dryer up. If Jeff is home he comes downs stairs at about 6:45 has breakfast and takes Landon to the bus stop before work. Since he's been gone, I go wake up the kids and we leave the house and drop Landon off.

When we get home I grab a cup of coffee and make the little two breakfast, It's about 7:30. While they are eating I check the Internet quickly and then read my bible and do my study. When they are done they either play quietly or watch a cartoon while I exercise. Then I put on a cartoon and jump in the shower. I'm usually out and ready for the day at 9am which is when the other two get dressed as well. We go upstairs and they help tidy their rooms and make their beds. They are responsible for putting away their laundry and making sure their room is neat (it usually takes a minute as I don't allow toys out of the playroom). With rooms tidy we go downstairs and play. We play for about a half an hour. Currently we play a lot of duck duck goose, tinker toys, color, or Mr. Potato Head.

By 9:30 it is snack time, sometimes this can be earlier if the kids ate with L before he left. After that I try to tackle a major task, such as bathrooms, dusting, moping, or scrubbing of some kind. I have the kids help as much as possible. It is amazing how much they want to do what I am doing. Most days I will have the kids straighten up their playroom before nap, but sometimes I let it slide until the afternoon. By now it is around 11 am and it is time to make lunch. Everyone can help or they can play, just depends on them. We eat about 11:30 and then nap time at noon.
I'm not going to lie, most days I try to nap as well. Nap time usually last from about noon until 1:30 or 2. If I am not napping I am probably editing photos on my computer or doing something on the Internet. When everyone gets up from nap we remake beds and have a snack. Then more playtime. By about 3:30 we clean up the playroom again, I set out anything that needs to be thawed for dinner. The kiddos get their shoes and coats on and we head to the bus stop to get L. When we return home with L it is about 4:45 and time to start preparing dinner. The kids play nearby and I make dinner. Usually having dinner ready by 5:30 or 6.

After dinner I immediately sit L down to do homework, load the dishwasher, wipe off the counters and tables, sweep, and vacuum. This puts up at about 7pm. Usually while I am straightening up the little two play while L does homework or they help load and unload the dishwasher or hold the dust pan. 7 is wind down time. If it is bath night that is next on our schedule. If not we will all sit on the couch and watch a cartoon or America's Funniest Home Videos. Then each child picks a book and we sit on the couch and read together. Then it is upstairs for tooth brushing, jammies, and into bed.

8pm. The house is quiet and clean! I usually will do some laundry, get on the computer, watch a TV show (my favorite thing to DVR is the show Adoption Stories, it is so heart warming), read my bible or a book. Sometimes I'll take a bath and then I try to be in bed by 10pm.

Are you riveted? How about you? What is your routine?
It's definitely inspiring to see other mom's routines. For me it seems like each time I start getting into a really good one, something happens. Like getting pregnant :/ That changed my sleep needs and my moods and my everything :) It makes it more difficult to keep a routine cause I'm so wiped. But I'm starting to feel better little by little, so hopefully, I'll have a good routine down again soon. :)
How did I miss this? Are you not linking to FB anymore? Anyway, 1st off I have to say that I loved seeing the pics of your new place and hands-down that is the nicest military housing I have ever seen. Yay for you guys! I can only hope to be so lucky when we move next! J looks so much older! I loved hearing about your routine. You are doing a great job holding down the fort with your man away. Also, I wanted to pass on for tons of stuff on biblical character training. My Seattle friends mentioned it last week and I just ordered a ton of stuff. I can't wait to get it. It's exactly what I have been looking for and let's pray it really helps me with the kids (N esp. of course!) Love you girl and we need to catch up soon!
Naps are not just for kids! They make for nicer Mama's too!
I didn't see this either. I am encouraged by it :-) My house is NEVER that clean. Oh well. I am sure you go through stages too. I love you my friend!
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