Well I suppose it is time for an update After nearly 4 months of staying with family we arrived in Colorado on J's 4th Birthday. We signed for our house and went out to dinner - it was a wonder we could get the kids back into the car after 2 days of driving.
Over the next two weeks we went furniture shopping and waited for the movers to arrive with the rest of our stuff. Fortunately, with the furniture we needed to buy and the stuff we took with us to my mom's, we had enough to make our empty house livable :).
Before our things came the kids had a blast running through the empty house playing. L started school, which has been a huge COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED transition for everyone. Jeff has been given busy work until he leaves (in 2 weeks), so unfortunately he does have to be at work everyday. J and M get along surprising well while brother is at school. It is odd only having 2 children in the house - it is a completely different dynamic that I have to adjust to. Definitely a much slower pace. Before our days were spent homeschooling and now we have hours to play. It is weird, but fun!
Currently 2 of the 3 of them are sick. Little M constantly asks to 'Go Home Now'. The house is only 1/2 unpacked and we are trying to familiarize ourselves with the area. Hopefully I don't get cabin fever being so isolated from the city and not knowing anyone yet. There is plenty to do to keep busy for now with unpacking and organizing.
We haven't had the opportunity to look for a church yet, I am praying the Lord will guide us to a home where we can serve. Sure do miss Lighthouse and Calvary Hills. It is amazing how much my spirit needs fellowship and church to feel refreshed. The Lord meets me in quite times, but it is obvious that my soul needs the accountability/interaction of other believers, without it I easily become spiritually lazy.
Please continue to pray for my brother DEAN who is Iraq for the next 11 1/2 months and for his wife HEATHER who is due ANY DAY! YAY!
I'll keep saying prayers for all of your family.
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