Meet my new sweetie! I love her. I'm gonna name her Hot
Bunz ;). When those cold winter days get lonely while hubs is away, and since I live a quadrillion miles from civilization - I have a way to burn up some energy.
Truth be told I never thought I would be the type of person who looked forward to working out. As I've mentioned before in 2004 I had
gastric bypass surgery. I weighed in at 253 lbs the day of surgery. I was
lethargic and depressed and had tried many other unsuccessful ways to lose weight. For me this was the solution - and it radically changed my life. I decision I never regret.
Initially I lost 100lbs. Then I had two more kids and popped back up to 165-170 where I stayed for nearly three years. Last year after looking at some pictures of myself on Valentine's day I determined that I needed to lose some weight and MORE importantly take care of my body and not abuse this second chance for a healthy life. So I started dieting and got down to 161, but felt disappointed. Being obese, losing over 100lbs and having 3 kids had taken a toll on my skin. No matter what I wasn't going to be able to do anything about my extra skin on my belly (and it was a lot!)
So... last April I had a tummy tuck (and I had a couple other parts put back where they go). I was so excited to feel NORMAL. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. But I had lost weight to feel normal and be healthy and while I was healthier I still didn't feel normal. My result, a flat tummy - BUT THE SAME PANT SIZE!!! I was so frustrated. I
thought having my belly tightened would have made it so I lost weight and had smaller pants but nope!
So after waiting 6 months for the majority of my swelling to go down and only going down one
pants size I decided I needed to step up and change somethings. This also coincided with Jeff's going to
OTS. I became a woman possessed. Partly because I needed to burn off steam and have some me time (since I had the kids around the clock with no hubby), and also because I had a deadline and I wanted to lose 20lbs in 3 months. I wanted to knock Jeff's socks off when he saw me again after 3 months.
So I changed my eating. Lots of protein, water, not too many
carbs, lots of veggies and room for mistakes :). I started
exercising everyday. Starting with huffing and puffing a 1/4 mile up to 2 miles a day EVERY DAY! Me 2 miles a day - wow! I felt great and by the time I went to see Jeff I was down to 146 (-15lbs) and went from a size 14 to a size 8. Who knew 15lbs would make that big of a difference? I think it was just a totally reshaping and I built muscle too.
I loved working out for two reasons. One - it made me feel great physically and two - it restored me spiritually. On my runs I would listen to Christian
pod casts by Nancy Leigh
DeMoss. I have to say it was the best I felt EVER!! Since moving here I haven't worked out in 6 weeks and I miss it.
So back to the beginning. My new buddy Hot
Bunz. I am so excited to have her and so surprised by that at the same time. I hope she helps me continue on my new healthy lifestyle and that she helps me stay physically and spiritually well. :)