I'm no expert, actually I'm in my first few weeks of switching to cloth diapers. One thing I have learned is that it is INCREDIBLY easy, so much more so than I had expected. Had I known that it was this easy and INEXPENSIVE - I certainly would have done it with all my children.
Why did I switch when M is nearly 2? MONEY! I bought second hand cloth diapers (my husband thought it seemed icky but they arrived in PERFECT condition), and inserts and spent a total $97 with shipping. On a
friend's suggestion we bought
Fuzzi Bunz brand. They are awesome, easy to use and clean. I started making
homemade wipes over a year ago and that has saved us on average $30 a month, especially when I still had two in diapers. Now, on average, I was spending $40 every 3 weeks on diapers for M. So after 2 1/2 months I will be no worse off financially than when I started and after that I am saving money. Granted I don't know how much longer M will need to be in diapers since he is 22 months, but even if it just for 6 more months - I have stilled saved.

The first thing I noticed when I put M's first new diaper on was that they are so soft. The first night we put him back into a disposable because we did not have the correct size inserts yet and didn't want him to wet through. After a day of cloth diapers the old ones were so abrasive feeling in comparison. My husband told me that he supported the switch but if I did it he would never change another diaper because it was just gross. After a week of watching me change diapers he realized it was not a big deal and offered to help again. To me, if a man is willing to do it that says a lot about the simplicity of it!

Anyway - all this was to say that over at
Simple Mom they are starting a series introducing the option of cloth diapering and why it is an option you too might want to consider. So if you are interested go check it out!
I've actually been considering switching to cloth. I have a good friend in Washington who can make them and thought about asking her what she would charge me. Right now, we still have like 5 pkgs of diapers left from Jonyn's shower. I keep thinking about how much it's going to cost us per week to diaper that baby when we use up what we have and it makes me a little nervous. Thanks for posting this!
Wow! I had read Angel's blogs several times thinking that I would have loved to have done this with mine, but it is too late... M is only a little bit younger than Jer... Maybe I should look into it afterall... Except I just stocked up on Costco's disposable ones... Well, I will look into it at least. Thanks for the update.
So where did you order them second hand from? I've googled it and there are a bizillion places that have them.
I bought mine on ebay. I made sure there were photos and that they said that they were stain free. They were in excellent condition when they arrived. If you are wanting to buy some I can give you a link for buying inserts, but you can buy those second hand as well.
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