My gorgeous mom turned 50! Can you believe it? So all us girls threw her a surprise party! It was my sister Tanya's idea and since my sister Nichole lives near my parents she made sure the whole thing came together!

It was such a good time! All of our family and neighbors came to celebrate with us. Tanya and Jacob (who I didn't get pictures of with my camera, but will put some up from Mom's camera soon) flew in from Florida and the kids and I from Washington.

My 89 year old Grandpa (lookin' good baby) came too!
Tanya and Jacob left Saturday and the kids and will leave this Sunday. It is so good to be home with the family. We have been relaxing by the pool. We will leave here the whitest people in California and the tannest in Washington ;)
Happy Anniversary! You ahve been gone forever...hurry back so I can be jealous of you tan ;)
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