Well Baby M is already 16 days old! Time has gone by so fast. I am loving just about every minute of it. I am feeling completely back to normal, just tired all the time. Hubby had to go back to work Monday, so this was my first week on my own as a mother-of-three! I SURVIVED! Just kidding, it was so much easier than I expected. L and Jayleyn are acting out a lot but I'm sure it's just part of adjusting. They are still super loving and helpful with Baby M, they just have to learn to share my time with the baby too. Our first week home all together, before Hubby went back to work, was really fun. We spent a lot of time playing and "helping" the baby (I think they were bothering him a lot more than helping, but it made their little hearts happy). Baby M is not a good sleeper at all – unless he is in bed next to me. He hates his bassinet so this week we are transitioning J into her twin bed in L's room that way Baby M can move into his crib. The process is so FRUSTRATING. No one wants to sleep and no one listens at all. They giggle and get out of bed, which was cute the first night, but last night they did it until 11:30 – and Hubby and I were exhausted trying to scoop them up and get them back into bed over and over. Finally Hubby went and laid next to J to help her get to sleep and we were good – which is the same time Baby M woke up. So we have a definite issue with getting no sleep. Hubby is a huge help at bed time though and so I am grateful that I don't have to do it on my own.
I had a break from school this week, it was much needed. It was really difficult trying to complete my course and get all my assignments turned while still being exhausted from delivering a baby – BUT I DID IT. Hooray! But my next quarter starts on Monday already.. so I'm going to have to find a way to get in homework while I am trying to get two giggly kids to bed, and take care of a fussy baby. It should get easier with time as I get things under control. Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going. Right now Hubby is trying to get L and Jay to bed and I can hear him having a hard time so I'm going to go relieve him.
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