Just a quick note on why my heart was full yesterday.
I walked into a rocking chair and hit my ankle bone pretty hard. It hurt and I started to cry. The kids were watching a movie and playing. The first one to notice that something was wrong was little M. He came over to me and asked, "Mama, mama wat wong? No cyin'. Wat a matta?" I told him I hurt my foot but it was okay. He got down on his hands and knees and kissed the top of my foot and said, "All betta Mama." Gave me a hug and went back to playing.
As soon as he walked away J noticed that I was in pain. "Mom, are you okay? What happened?" She gently placed her hands on my hands and gave me a very compassionate and concerned look. I explained to her that I hit my ankle and it was sore and I needed to sit for a moment. She put her little hands on my face and caressed my cheeks down to under my chin several times. "Don't worry Mom, we will get you a band-aid and it will be all better." She hugged me and kissed my face and went back to playing.
Then, when she stepped away over came L. "Oh Mom, are you alright? What happened?" He crossed his arms in front of him and leaned in to hear the problem. I repeated my story. "Oh Mom, you just need something cold - hold on." He ran off and came back, a rock in hand. "Mom lets just put this cold rock on your foot and it will help it stop hurting." He placed it on my ankle (ouch).
Anyway I loved that each them, came over with all the compassion and love in their little hearts and helped me the best they knew how. M with his kisses. J with a band-aid (which she needs for EVERY thing. We nick-named her the band-aid queen). And L with a rock - him and his rocks. How can I not count my blessings to have such tender hearted and nurturing kids. Sure they do a lot that isn't so sweet through out the day - but yesterday was a good day.