No one wants to see this. So I'll just tell you about it. My morning started with L helping with the laundry. He put the clothes from the dryer onto the kitchen table and then jumped down from one of the table chairs. On his way down he tried to pick up a sock he dropped and ended up jumping off a chair bent over catching the back of the chair with his eye. Blood everywhere.. thankfully he only split his eyelid open. After several minutes of profuse bleeding we were able to stop it and he laid with an ice pack on his eye.
Then off to the park to meet a friend. While the other kids where playing on the playground M decides to walk back and forth on the park bench. Just as I look over from the
other side of the playground I see M lose his footing and start to do a dead drop off the bench. Unfortunately his arm caught on the table, he spun forward and broke his fall with his NOSE.
I rush over pick him up and his nose is already tripled in size and gushing blood. We spent 4 hours in the ER to be told that it is likely he fractured his nose, but there is nothing they could do about it, but since he was so swollen we would have to wait and see. Our discharge papers officially diagnosed him with a nosebleed. Really? It was a stress filled day to say the least, and I was NOT impressed with the ER staff. Grateful they didn't think he had done any damage to his brain we came home to rest.
My loving husband let me take a nap after all the emotional stress of the day. This morning L's eye looks fine, just sliced, and M's nose is purple and swollen, but MUCH MUCH better than I had expected.