Saturday, March 28, 2009
Week Five : On the Record - I quit!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Week Four : On the Record & Why I am the Biggest LOSER!
That is 9lbs lost since I started and 0lbs lost since the beginning of this challenge. I must say that I am pretty irritated this week. I busted my hiney. I ate right, did cardio 6 days, did strength training 6 days this week, drank a minimum of 64oz of water everyday and took my vitamins. All week long the scale said I lost 2.5lbs, but today when I stepped on it it said I was only down 1lb. I think I officially hate my scale. On the plus side I have dropped a pants size, and shirt size, and when I bought workout pants at Target yesterday they were MEDIUM (for me that is the smallest size I've ever been able to buy in my life). So overall I think I'm okay with my progress I just wished the numbers lined up with the rest of me.
Now for why I'm the biggest loser. Yesterday I wanted to go the gym with the family. It ended up that naps didn't work out and hubby said I could go on my own. I was really self-conscious. I have been getting up and going to the gym on base at 5:30 AM M,W,F by myself.. but not to the busy Y on Saturdays. Hubby told me not to be self-conscious and that I could do it.
I decided to go, so I grabbed a T-shirt of hubby's, a pair of pants and put my jacket on. I hadn't been able to find my sports bra so I wore a regular old bra (picture grandma style) and thought, no big deal.. no one will ever know. My clothes have been falling down as I have been jogging because they aren't the right size anymore (a plus but also annoying and adds to my anxieties about working out in public). I get the the gym and stretch, get on the treadmill and run, go downstairs ask for a towel, come back and work out my upper body and then go change into my bathing suit and sit in the sauna. The entire time I was working out I felt like everyone was staring at me. I kept reassuring myself that I was feeling like that because I was alone and that no one was looking at me. Then when I got out of the sauna and changed back into my clothes I held up the shirt I had borrowed from hubby to put it on and saw that there was a huge rip in it. The rip went from one shoulder to the middle of my back and down, leaving a giant flap hanging down, exposing my bra and back. I was so embarrassed! I guess that explains the draftiness I credited to my clothes being too big :(. Moral of the story.. just because I was paranoid didn't mean they weren't staring.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Love vs. Jealousy
When you truly love, you're content with the basic necessities of life-you hold everything else loosely. When you truly love, you realize that you have an amazing gift-a right relationship with God. What more do you really need?
This kind of love helps you to be thankful when you do get something new. And this kind of love protects you from getting angry with a friend who gets a new set of living room furniture or a raise at work.
Have you put your faith in Christ to take away your sin and bring you into a right relationship with God? That's the first step in having true love-the kind that doesn't envy.
~by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We Love Homeschooling
Initially I began asking Hubby if we could home school about a year and a half ago. He was adamantly opposed. For good reasons, he was concerned about the kids missing out on the fun memories he had of his school days, wanted to make sure they were getting a quality education and didn't want our kids to turn out to be spelling-bee weirdos! I didn't press him, I just prayed and prayed and prayed about it. Those were valid points - although they were not the same concerns that I shared.
I wanted to home school to ensure that my children received a strong foundation before being exposed to the world. I know that to some people that sounds like a religious zealot's mindset, and maybe it kind of is, but I am not saying that I want to raise them in isolation. For me the concern was that my children were going to be exposed to views and beliefs so different to our own for more hours in a day than they would to the core values of our family. While I don't view public school as evil in anyway - so please don't misunderstand - I did not want to have to undo 8 ours of what my kids were exposed to when they got home. It has been brought to my attention SEVERAL times that public school does not push a religious view on children, it is my belief that what you are not allowed to learn or discuss is a form of religious teaching.
Anyway, all this to say that we have been having a blast these past few months learning together. We used ABEKA curriculum this year and I won't be using it again. It is not bad - but we found it boring. So next year we are putting our own together - not that I am designing my own lessons, just taking math from one place, language arts from another -stuff like that. I am very excited. I have been spending a lot of time looking into our options and talking to others about what works for them. Being that we will be moving in the next few months I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row for next year before life gets too hectic!
(Wish I had a pic. I'll take one and add it later)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Boring Me
Hubby is still waiting to pop his ears. For his physical he has to be able to pop his ears or it is an automatic fail, but he has been sick forever and so his tubes are plugged and won't pop. I know you are thinking - just say they did! Well he can't, the doctor looks in them while he holds his nose and blows. If she doesn't see what she needs to then he has to wait. We are trying everything, Flonase, Netti pots and today we are going to buy some heavy duty Sutafed (spelled right?).
L's basketball season just ended. His last game was last night with a parent vs. kids game and then a pizza banquet after. He had a blast and improved so much! He is also learning to read, small words, and write. He is so smart and loves to learn. I love that about him.
J's a drama mama. Thank heavens I only have one girl, I think it was all I was meant for. She is beautiful, silly, funny and independent. She is also a cuddle bug.
M's teething (AGAIN!) - I don't know if it ever ends. He is talking up a storm and actually called me by my first name the other day. That totally freaked me out. He is a mimic and a goofball. He loves to play duck duck goose and copy his brother and sister.
My brother and his wife had been staying with us for the last couple of weeks. He was just stationed near us and the movers hadn't brought their stuff up yet. They were nice house guests, but as always it is nice to get back to our normal routine.. although Auntie did play with the kids A LOT and let me take naps.. I'm sure going to miss that.
As for me, I'm trying to balance life. Spending time in the word, at the gym, with the hubby and kiddos. It has been a rough month with illnesses and visitors, but I'm happy to say that I am resting in the Lord. My postpartum depression subsided in the beginning of December and I went off of my medications. I must say that exercise has been a great emotional booster for me. I think by eating right and exercising I have been in such a good mood. Now I crave a workout instead of dreading it. It's a weird feeling for a girl who was morbidly obese 4 1/2 years ago and never liked to exercise. :) Also, I decided not to return to school this semester, I'm taking a break for at least one year. Life got to hectic following M's arrival and it has really been stressing me out. Now with two moves in the next year and being on my own with the kids for a minimum of 3 months I don't see me being able to handle it with everything else.
There is our family update if anyone was wondering what has been going on for the last few weeks besides my diet
Week Three : On the Record
I weighed in -1lb from last week.
That puts me UP 1lb from the beginning our challenge (so pathetic).
I worked out 4 days last week and did strength training.
I did not consistently drink all my water or take my vitamins.
This weeks goal - no cheating - water - workouts - vitamins... not too much right ;)
How did you do? Probably better than me :P
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Week Two : On the Record
I struggled a little more with water intake, and think I forgot a couple vitamins.
I did cardio 5 days this week and lifted weights.
I am really happy with the way I took care of my body this week even if the scale says I am UP 2 LBS!
I know why the scale went up this week though - and not just because of my indiscretion last night - 1.) It is that time of the month (sorry if that is tmi but I know that is going to affect the scale). And 2.) I started lifting weights and my muscles are really sore - so I am assuming that causes even more fluid retention.
So total I am down 7lbs,
but since the start of our accountability I'm up 2.
I have confidence that this number WILL correct itself next at week's weigh in.
Weight left to lose : 20lbs - nuts
Are you happy with the choices you made for yourself this week? - regardless of what the scale says?
Good luck!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Week One : On the Record