..........Hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption. ~Psalm 130:7
Fall means the start of Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS). Last year was the first year that I attended MOPS and let me tell you how much God used it to bless and grow me. I thought MOPS was a place for moms to just sit around and gab, do a craft and share some food while the kids were being played with in their classrooms. While it was that it was so much more. MOPS is a place where you are surrounded by other moms who can relate to you. They don't judge you and some of them have struggled with or are struggling with some of the same frustrations you are.
Last year when I was so angry and didn't know why our MOPS had someone share their experience with Post Partum Depression. When my marriage was feeling strained someone spoke on how to love your husband. Best of all MOPS is full of women who are in the same stage of life and as you share your life with them friendships are formed. If you have not been – GO!
www.mops.org can help you find a group near you.
If you are in my area get in touch with me and I can help you find one. I firmly believe that every mom can benefit from this amazing organization!