You Can Become a Virtuous Woman
by Sheila Herron
"Who can find a virtuous woman, for her worth is far above rubies" Proverbs 31:10
The "Virtuous Woman", Proverbs 31:10-31
Many of us, being women of God, strive to be the "Virtuous Woman". We are the wife, mother, and companion to our immediate family. Not to mention, the homemaker, taxi cab driver, and all of the other assignments that go with the job. In contrast, there are many women who back away from this passage of scripture because they feel that her shoes are too big to walk in.
Although the "Virtuous Woman" wears many hats, so to speak, by applying her principles to your life, you too can be become a Virtuous Woman.
Proverbs 31:10-31 is a biblical foundation that all women, both married and single can live by. In this excerpt, I will share with you what I have learned through studying the character and conduct of the "Virtuous Woman".
As you read and study, you will learn how to apply this passage of scripture to every area of your life, so that you can reap the abundant living that God has purposed and designed for you as a mighty woman of God!
What Does It Mean to Be Virtuous? To be virtuous is to be moral, ethical, honest, noble, right, pure, and chaste just to list a few.
Following are some brief definitions of each of the synonyms of the word virtuous:
A virtuous woman is moral. This means that all of her dealings are proper. Whomever she does business with views her as a person of integrity.
A virtuous woman is ethical; she is mindful of her conduct and decent in her attire. Although her concern is her inner beauty, she definitely makes sure that her outer appearance is appropriate for the setting. From her head down to her baby toe, including her fragrance, she is properly attired for any occasion. She is also a woman of etiquette; everything that she does is graceful. She is respectful and she commands respect. She is humane which causes her to be compassionate in giving. When she gives, she does it from her heart because it is her ministry.
A virtuous woman is honest, she can be trusted and she is committed to her assignment or task, no matter how big or small it is. She doesn't view it as being minute or immense; whichever one takes precedence is what she will commit to doing first. She is honorable, worthy and well known in her community.
A virtuous woman is noble and refined, however, she is not a fake and there is no facade, what you see is what you get. She is authentic. She will let you know what is on her mind, but she will do it honestly and with love. Most admire her, while others envy; but it is because of her unique ability of being meek and gentle, while at the same time firm in her beliefs.
A virtuous woman is pure. To sum up the many definitions of this word, she is to be sanctified and set apart. She lives a holy life before the Lord. She is a woman who carefully guards her heart and does not allow sin to reign in her life.
A virtuous woman is chaste. She is not loud or vulgar. She is meek and humble and she knows how to conduct herself wherever she goes; she is a woman of elegance.
Although some may depict her as being a weak woman, that is quite the contrary. This woman is a strong woman, verse seventeen says that she sets about her work vigorously and her arms are strong for her tasks.
A virtuous woman builds up her husband instead of tearing him down. She makes him known in the gates of the community.
Acquiring the title of "Virtuous Woman" is a big undertaking, however, it is attainable. And even through my study of her character I have not yet attained it, I strive to do so everyday.
This passage of scripture was given to me approximately 6 years ago and as I read it, I had to meditate on it constantly and literally see myself in the scripture. It is a part of my daily confessions. You see, just as with drama or acting, you have to study to become the part. If you do not study the character, then how will you know the characteristics of the part? God's word says in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God".
Get into the scripture, take each verse and dissect each word. Meditate on it until it manifests into your spirit. What you put in your spirit will come out of your mouth and your actions.
When I first started to study this passage, the Lord told me to take the first verse and meditate on it until I grasped the real meaning of it. "Who can find a virtuous woman, for her worth is far above rubies". I thought, "hmmm, a ruby is an expensive and rare jewel and this scripture is not talking about just one, but many". Therefore, this woman is a rare find, there are not many like her. To take on her character would be impossible without living a holy and acceptable life before God.
Do you desire to be a virtuous woman? If your answer is yes, then go before the Lord and ask Him to search your heart and remove anything that is not pleasing to Him. Ask Him for a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.
You also need to be yoked with like-minded people. I desired to be virtuous, therefore; I asked the Lord to bring virtuous mentors into my life. It is such a blessing to be around others that have the same goals and desires and that will pray and agree with you as together you press on to accomplish these goals.
Now I challenge you to start immersing yourself in these qualities. Become a woman of virtue and see the difference it makes in your life!
Well it is certainly awesome to see that my work is being used to minister to others! God bless you!
Sheila M. Herron
It is wonderful to have guidelines that offer a breakdown of this scripture. I am very encouraged to seek's God's guidance on searching my heart and guiding me towards taking on the characteristics of a virtous woman. I strive to live a life well pleasing unto the Lord and now I understand the ways in which I can attain this in becoming virtuous unto him. Thanks so much for your insight and may God bless you as you continue your walk with him on becoming virtuous as well.
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