It had been awhile since we had been to California. Way too long to not see cousins, grandparents, great-grandpa, and aunts and uncles.
After 20 straight hours of driving we made it safe and sound to Jeff's parents.
Not to far from them lives my grandpa. That hunky 93yr old couldn't have been sharper or more excited to see us.
Uncle Frank and Aunt Kristen hosted us for a super awesome bouncy-slide BBQ.
While the slide was a blast, the cousins - and grandpa - had fun feeding the turtle and watching him poop.


Cousin E
Cousin C
Jeff's parents also treated us to Knott's Berry Farm where we had a blast, but I have no
photos. Boo. L went on a ton of roller coasters.
Of course you can't visit the coast without going in the water. L took to boogie-boarding and never got out of the water. M would run from the waves and J just lived in the sand.
M, Grandpa, and Aunt Kristen waiting for some waves :)
This is how you do it at the beach. Grandpa and Uncle Frank snoozing in the sunshine.
L after a day in the ocean.
My sandy girl.
Our little niece M. She is such a stinkin cutie toot!

Jeff doing a 'cool guy' walk (or so J said when she saw this picture)
After a wonderful getaway we made the 20 hr trek straight through again.
This time we stopped at Four Corners, which was a bit out
of the way, but totally worth it.